Fair Play Code
The Fair Play Code outlines a set of guiding principles on expected standards of behaviour for every person involved in sport and recreation in Victoria.
Heads of State expects the following standards of behaviour from everyone involved in our club - players, volunteers and spectators.
- being honest, fair, respectful, trustworthy, reliable, open and transparent in dealings with others
- avoiding any real or perceived conflicts of interest
- striving to earn and sustain a high level of community trust and goodwill
- not engaging in or advocating the possession and use of banned performance enhancing substances or methods, or illicit drugs
- not participating in, or encouraging action that may jeopardise the integrity of sport and recreation including match-fixing, illegal sports betting and other corruption
UV Policies, including National Integrity Framework policies
- treating everyone involved in sport and recreation in a considerate, objective and courteous manner with proper regard for their rights, dignity and worth
- refraining from any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse, child abuse, intimidation, victimisation or vilification of others, including on the basis of age, race, sex, disability, sexuality, gender identity or religion
- recognising and valuing the contribution of all to sport and recreation, including volunteer coaches, officials and administrators who give up their valuable time to make sport and recreation happen
UV Policies, including National Integrity Framework policies
- considering and accepting the consequences of one’s actions and decisions
- being a positive role model by displaying self-control, respect, care and diligence towards all involved with sport and recreation
- complying with specified child safe standards of conduct expected of adults when dealing and interacting with persons under 18 years of age
- understanding the possible consequences of breaching the Fair Play Code and immediately reporting any potential breaches to appropriate authorities
- understanding and playing by the rules of ultimate
- being informed, consistent, impartial, just and reasonable in dealings with others
- following Spirit of the Game by encouraging and praising fair play over winning at all costs
- providing a ‘fair go’ to people of all abilities to be involved in sport and recreation and reach their full potential
- providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment that places the health, welfare and well-being of participants above all else
- taking all reasonable steps to ensure equipment, facilities and programs meet health and safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of participants
- being aware of and supporting policies and practices in relation to injury management, return to play, adverse weather and child safe standards
- showing concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured and immediately reporting any safety issues to appropriate authorities
UV Policies, including Safe Play policies
If you have any concerns relating to the Fair Play Code, or want to report any issue, please contact us.