Youth Ultimate

Heads of State offers the opportunity for kids and teenagers to get involved in a new sport in a fun casual setting. No uniforms, no tryouts, no experience required, no worries!
The program aims to teach youth the basics and fundamentals of Ultimate Frisbee in a fun and inclusive environment, run by our highly experienced coaches. Most youth players are absolute beginners, and that works fine, the sessions will be catered to ALL skill levels!
2024 Term 4 Program: 6 week program every Wednesday from 6th November to December 11th
2025 Term 1 Program: 8 week program every Wednesday from 22nd January to 5th March
The program will run from 5.30 - 6.45pm, at our home (Elgar Park). New players can try it out free for 1 week.
Fill out the Expression of Interest below if you're interested:
Info for Parents
Heads of State adheres to Ultimate Victoria's Child Safety Policy, and Child Safe Code of Conduct. You can read more here.
All of our coaches are Level 1 accredited by Ultimate Australia, and have a Working with Children's Card.
Ultimate is a still a fairly new sport in Australian schools. Young people instantly love frisbee whenever they are introduced to the sport. It is growing at a huge rate and we hope to assist that growth.
For younger players, Ultimate Frisbee has the following benefits for child development:
- Non-contact – it’s a great, safe sport for children of all ages, sizes and abilities, and can be played as a mixed gender competition.
- Self-refereed - which encourages a mature response to competitive situations.
- Great for the development of hand-eye co-ordination
- Cheap - no need to pay for expensive equipment, just a once-per-year club membership fee
- Fun - throwing a frisbee is simply FUN! Kids pick up on that straight away and love that it is a different skillset to ball sports. At the same time though, the general field sense is transferable to and from so many other team sports. We do have juniors at the club who play for Victorian u18s and Australian u20 teams, but the emphasis on our sessions is fun and participation for all. So many of the kids really take to this approach that differs from so many other sports they try.
- Easy for parents - all equipment and coaching is provided. You are welcome to stay and watch or drop and go.